Top Stories of 2018

In the world of OTP, our stories don’t include politics or crime and punishment, but rather food, fun and filming. Here’s the stories our fans read and shared the most this year….

In addition to many casting calls for “Ozark, Instant Family, and The Mule” that went viral, as well as the hype surrounding the grand opening for the first Costco in Cherokee County, here is a recap of our top stories:

and it’s no surprise to us with the popularity of Netflix’s show “Ozark” that the iconic spot where the show was filmed was our number one story. 

Also, If you didn’t get what you wanted for the holidays, we are still selling Blue Cat Merchandise on our online store!

Thank you to our loyal fans and our new readers – we can’t wait to share what’s opening and happening in 2019!  Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. If you aren’t seeing 5 stories a week, then we aren’t showing up in your feed! Also, make sure you sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss any Scoop or events.

Finally, we would love to work with you and your businesses with our advertising and marketing opportunities.

Happy New Year!



