With the film and television industry booming in Georgia, you may be wondering how you can get involved in the excitement by listing your home, property or business for Georgia’s camera-ready program.
Last year we saw a Milton subdivision being taken over for Clint Eastwood’s “Sully,” Ball Ground’s downtown was transformed into Mena, Arkansas for Tom Cruise’s “American Made,” scenes from Hidden Figures and The Founder were filmed in downtown Canton, and the Marietta Square was transformed for “The Leisure Seeker.” More recently, Jason Bateman’s Netflix series “Ozark” was renewed for a second season, so get your location submitted — it may be a perfect fit.
According to the Georgia Department of Economic Development, these are the steps you need to take:
If you would like your Georgia home, business or property considered, please send digital photos by using the location submission form. They will review your photos and, if approved, your property will be added to their location photo database.
All locations are placed in a secure, password-protected database (Reel-Scout) and sent to our clients upon request. Submitted locations are not accessible by the general public and can only be changed by staff once submitted.
Submitted locations may not be accepted if they do not meet the guidelines below:
- Provide a good photo overview of your property, showing what it looks like today. Think of this process like you are trying to sell your home – the more visual information our clients have, the more informed a decision they can make.
- Shoot multiple angles, and where appropriate include a wider street view so we can see how your property “sits” within its surroundings.
- Shoot wide where possible so we can get a sense how large the property or room is. Make sure images are properly rotated before submission.
- If submitting a home, business or other building, include interior and exterior shots. If interior shooting is not allowed, please make note of this in the “usage restriction” field.
- Concentrate on unique features of your property. For house interiors, a few shots of main rooms (kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, etc.) are sufficient. Excessive photos of every bathroom, pantry or closet are not needed.
- Professionally shot photos are not required, but dark, out-of-focus or outdated photos may not be accepted.
- You must be the actual owner of the property and/or have the authority to lease it for production. Our database is not intended for agents to market properties for sale.
- If particular types of film/TV content or budget levels are not of interest, please make note of this in the “usage restriction” field.
- All submitted locations are for potential use as shooting locations. If you want to list the property for lodging, please visit our Reel-Crew production directory and submit the property, or contact a housing coordinator listed in the directory.
- Do not include photos shot in inclement weather (snow, fog, rain, etc.).
- Staged photos highlighting people, pets or objects are generally not accepted. Headshots are not accepted.
- Do not submit video clips, renderings, or brochures – just photos of the actual locations.
- If the property is due to be sold or drastically remodeled in the very near future, please wait to submit photos until the property is in its “final” condition.
- Submit larger, monitor quality photos. Submitted locations with no attached photos will not be accepted. Typically if we do not receive the images, the file size is too big. Here are some suggested sizing guidelines:
• 144-150 dpi • File size between 200KB – 1 MB
• JPEG compression = 7 good quality
• 1280 X 1024 resolution
• Physical photo size: 8.5″ X 11″
Once you have gathered your photos, please submit them using this Photo Submission Form.
There are questions and answers on their website with more details too. Good luck!
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