“The Founder” set to film in Canton Theater; Extras Needed

There’s a chance you could see Michael Keaton, Nick Offerman, or Laura Dern  in Canton this June filming “The Founder“,  the story of how Ray Kroc was able to turn McDonald’s into a successful fast food empire. Actor Michael Keaton will star as Kroc, and extras are needed.  ClaimFame is looking for a few people to portray 1950’s drive in customers and Project Casting is looking for 1950’s restaurant style workers.

Photo from ClaimFame
Photo Credit from ClaimFame

The Canton Patch reported that the Canton City Council approved two agreements that will allow production crews to film at two well-known buildings in the central business district.

The council unanimously approved agreements with Speedee Film Productions, Inc. to film a portion of “The Founder” at the Canton Theater at 171 East Main Street and the former Canton Cotton Mill offices at 221 West Main Street.

According to the agreement outlining filming at the theater, the producers could start filming on or around June 4 and the project is expected to wrap in one day. The company will pay the city $2,500 each day they are utilizing the theater.

Photo credit Cherokee Welcome
Photo credit Cherokee Welcome

The agreement to utilize Cherokee County School District’s Building A facility calls for producers setting up shop on or around May 29 and is expected to need about seven days of occupancy over a roughly 11-day period (which includes about four days of preparations, one day of shooting and about two days of wrapping up). The company will also pay the city $2,500 each day it utilizes the building.

Canton Mayor Gene Hobgood said filming at the theater could require the closure of East Main Street starting at 7 p.m. June 4, and he doesn’t anticipate any street closing related to filming at the former cotton mill offices.

Did you see Tom Cruise in Ballground? He was filming there last week! If you are spending time in Canton, be sure to check out the Snug, the newest restaurant to open downtown.
