The popular Marietta restaurant is open in a new location on South Marietta Parkway, after the landlord at its former spot declined to renew its lease late last year.
In case you missed their original announcement that their lease wasn’t renewed, their fans didn’t have to wait too long, as by December 9th, they had their new location announced. The revamped restaurant now occupies the building formerly occupied by the Huddle House at 430 S. Marietta Parkway.
The restaurant is more than three times bigger than the original. The new location features the same hours as before, Monday thru Friday 6 am to 2 pm, Saturday 7 am to 2 pm, and Sunday 9 am to 2 pm. Visit their Facebook page for updates.
They opened on Wednesday and if you haven’t been – your in for a treat as they are known for killer biscuits and off the chart fresh Black Angus burgers.