OTP Summer Sweets

Now that the temperature is rising, it’s time to enjoy some cool, sweet treats. Fortunately for everyone living OTP, there is no shortage of delicious summer treats. Some of them are even mobile this year! Check out our list of our favorite ice creams and cool treats that are sure to make everyone happy this summer.

King of Pops Scoop OTPSummer screams watermelon, and Atlanta-based King of Pops will be making summer watermelon flavors — and the best part is that you won’t have to go in town to get them! The fresh, all natural King of Pops handmade popsicles,will have a food truck at Avalon all summer long on Thursday-Sunday from noon until 6. Flavors will change daily.

Extra Scoop tip: The Queen of Cream ice cream food truck does make it rounds OTP, and we have been told it’s worth waiting in line for a taste, too!

There are several unique ice cream parlors around town. In Cherokee Country, we love Hickory Flat’s Frosty Frog Creamery & Cafe’s award winning handmade ice cream that comes in more than 250 flavors!

Just down the road in North Canton is Sweet Escapes, which name stands for more than just their ice cream. The owners also have a Hot Air Balloon business called Fly Wendy Fly. Get your ice cream and a trip of a lifetime!

Sno-Balls Scoop OTPIf you like sno-balls, check out Woodstock’s Big Easy Snow Balls; they claim to be the best New Orleans style dessert around town. We were surprised to learn that some of their flavors add ice cream to the mix, changing up the traditional sno-ball taste.

Cobb County has a handful of ice cream shops. The Marietta Square is home to Sarah Jeans Ice Cream, right next to the Historic Strand theater.

Tiny Bubbles Tea Bar Scoop OTPNew to the Square is Tiny Bubbles Tea Bar, offering refreshing bubble tea concoctions that you can customize to your liking.

For the foodie that loves ice cream, Marietta is home to High Road Ice Cream and Sorbet, which takes gourmet ice cream to a whole different level. You can pick up some at The Local Exchange. High Road created an ice cream line just for Whole Foods called BLVD Tasty Ice Cream with 8 unique flavors. Try one next time you stop by your local Whole Foods!

In North Fulton, Four Fat Cows Ice Cream Parlor on Main Street in Alpharetta also carries gluten and diary free options.

For an adult treat, check out Roswell’s The Counter’s special beer float (vanilla ice cream and stout) and Peach and the Porkchop also has a full list of yummy, “Adult” milkshakes. Finally, desserts just for the grown ups.

So, if you have to be hot all summer, why not enjoy some of these treats that for some reason, just taste so much better in the summer? Please join us, we hate to have to feel guilty all by ourselves! And if you do pop into any of these spots, tell them Scoop sent you!
