Local Pups in Need!

cherokeecountyshelterMany of you have already heard about the puppy mill that was shut down in Cherokee County this week, where  357 puppies and dogs were rescued. Currently they are at the Cherokee County Animal Shelter.  We spoke to the Animal Hospital at Towne Lake  for information on how you can help.  There is an Amazon account setup to help the pups that you can access here.  Additionally, you can take you donations directly to the Cherokee County Animal Shelter at 1015 Univeter Road in Canton, or collections are also being taken up at the Animal Hospital of Towne Lake at 3105 Parkbrook Circle in Woodstock.  Immediate needs are: puppy food, flea and tick medicine, bedding, ear and eye cleaners and of course cash for needed supplies.  Many of the rescued dogs are pregnant, so help will be needed for some time to come.


Scoop Dogs Jack and Rooney want you help out the puppies in need in Cherokee County.
Scoop Dogs Jack and Rooney want you help out the puppies in need in Cherokee County.

