Eagle Rock Movie Studio OTP

Lights, Camera, Action! It  seems like an unusual pairing to have Eagle Rock Distributing Company of Anheuser-Busch, Yuengling, craft & local OTP beers such as Reformation Brewery, Jekyll Brewing & Red Hare Brewing Company provide one of the largest movie production spaces OTP and for Atlanta, but it’s true. This great opportunity came down to having the space and the vision to make this production facility work. Eagle Rock CEO Steve Economos is now just waiting for contracts by the film & TV industry to be signed. Spokesperson Doug Nicely said:

There has been great response to this production space and when I have scoop to share, I will!


Eagle Rock recently relocated from Stone Mountain to Norcross with 60 acres and 730-thousand square feet of warehouse space.  There are (4) 30,000 square feet of stages for production under one roof as they just completed a renovation to the facility. Weather will never be the issue with filming OTP!


Did you know that Eagle Rock’s original Stone Mountain facility is the production location for Lifetime’s Devious Maids? For the history of how Eagle Rock got started in providing production space, check out this Gwinnett Daily Post article.

Devious Maids Eagle Rock, Scoop OTP

Follow Eagle Rock Studios Atlanta’s Facebook page to stay up on the latest scoop. Believe it or not, another mega studio is also planned for Gwinnett in the Norcross area. Seems like OTP is the new Hollywood!

For even more entertainment scoop, visit Atlanta Hollywood Radio. We love their tagline of being more than Housewives, Hip-Hop and Honey Boo-Boo. Scoop OTP looks forward to working with them and learning more about the entertainment industry.

Scoop OTP friend George Tingley of Bizwire was invited to the opening this past week and helped provide the scoop. For more Dirt, click here or for read about our Scoop Approved restaurants.


Eagle Rock                                                                                                                                  6205 Best Friend Road Suite C                                                                                    Norcross, Georgia 30071
