Cherokee High School Eiffel Tower Tribute

Thank you to the Canton Patch for this great information!

The 28-Foot Eiffel Tower tribute display built by Cherokee High School Welding and Skills USA students

Cherokee High school Eiffel Tower
Photo credit: Jennifer Kemp/Facebook

will be on display during the Holiday Lights of Hope fundraiser.

The tower, topped with a French flag, was set up the morning of Monday, Nov. 30 and will remain in place until Tuesday. The tower will then be wired with lights for the fundraiser and transported to Hobgood Park in Towne Lake.

The Eiffel Tower tribute is 28-feet tall and was constructed to scale; it is made of steel and aluminum and was entirely designed and fabricated by the students, who also will complete the wiring themselves. It was constructed in four sections so it could be more easily moved. Students also are crafting other structures for the show, including rebar trees, stars and signs.

The Holiday Lights of Hope display, which benefits the Anna Crawford Children’s Center, is open at 6 p.m. nightly Dec. 10–22.

Congrats to these students for this beautiful tribute!

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Photo credit: Jennifer Kemp/Facebook
