Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?

Fly MediaWritten by Sherri Johnson, Co-Founder, CCO and Web Designer at Fly Media Productions, LLC.

Why the internet, social media, and milkshakes equal a perfect recipe for success!

If you’re reading this article it is likely that you are a small business owner considering one of the following:

  1. How you can develop an online presence for your small business.
  2. How you can expand upon your current online presence.
  3. You’re wondering what the heck milkshakes have to do with the internet and social media!

fmp-milkshake-article-thmb-300x243If you’re here for my milkshake recipe, hang on, we’ll get to that in just a minute.

I assume that most of you already know the importance of an online presence — whether it be in the form of a website, social media, or both — and are simply looking for a little guidance. For the rest of you who may not yet be convinced, I ask you to consider the following questions:

  1. If a potential client or customer is looking for the product or service that you offer, how do they know that you are a potential supplier?
  2. When researching competitors, how does a potential client/customer determine if you are a viable option?
  3. Could you benefit from your current clients/customers knowing when you have new discounts, promotions, or offerings available?
  4. Could you benefit from answering less phone calls about basic information, such as location, hours, directions, policies, etc?
  5. Could you benefit from the ability to weed through potentially poor or mismatched clients/customers before spending valuable time corresponding with them?


Now consider this: according to Google data, “Over the next three years businesses that make use of the web are expected to grow 40% faster.” — via Atlanta Tech Edge. But did you know that also according to Google data, a whopping 60% of all small businesses are still operating without a website?

…My thoughts exactly!

As a web designer I come across businesses every day that either don’t have a website or online presence at all, or businesses that DO have an online presence, but have no idea how to truly benefit from it. Usually this happens due to a lack of time, or a sense of intimidation from computers and the Internet. If that’s you, I’ve got good news and bad news.

Fly Media TwitterThe good news is that there are ways around the time thing (such as scheduling posts), and education is readily available to those interested in finding it. The bad news? You will still need to find some time (or a few extra bucks to pay someone with time), and you will have to learn the ropes of social media.

Either way you look at it, it’s a problem with a solution. And of all the problems you could have, I’d say it’s a pretty good one. Why? Because at least people want to buy your milkshake (whoop, there it is!). Okay, maybe your milkshake isn’t bringing ALL the boys to the yard just yet, but with a little guidance and the right recipe, just like Kelis, you too could have a milkshake that brings all the boys to the yard.

Okay, so just in case I’m not quite as clever as I thought, and you’re still wondering what the milkshake is — it’s your product or service. Get it? Got it? Good!

So, while my milkshake recipe is top secret (for now!), there’s another recipe I can share with you. A recipe with just three major ingredients: the internet, social media, and, you got it — your milkshake!

In the coming months my partner (who also happens to be my hubby!) and I will be sharing a tried and true recipe for online success via WebSavvy articles geared specifically towards developing a first time online presence, expanding upon a current one, and of course how to find and make use of the tools that are readily available to you.

If you have questions in any of these areas, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to leave your comments or questions below, or send us a message. Then be on the lookout, because we may just answer your question in an upcoming post!

Sherri Johnson is Co-Founder and CCO at Fly Media Productions, LLC, a metro Atlanta based Couture Website Design & Development Boutique. Catch up with Sherri on Twitter at @FlyDuo or @FlyGirlFMP, on Facebook, or on her website at
