Bright Road Productions is looking for women who need help navigating though conflict in their lives!
If you have conflict or an issue with a friend, family member, neighbor, or significant other that you need resolved, let us help you! They have an amazing expert that can whip any situation into shape. Claimfame has all the details so apply here.
They are open to any conflict! Here are some examples they could use:
-Estranged Sisters: Are you two sisters, who were once extremely close and had a major falling out a few years ago?
-The Insane In-Laws: Are you a new wife having difficulty communicating and setting boundaries with your pushy mother in-law?
-Neighborly Advice: Are you a stressed-out couple dealing with the neighbors from hell?
-Unmotivated House Guest: Are you a mother is frustrated with a child and has yet to move out of the house?
This casting call is open till Mid March, so act fast.
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