The first retailer to the Marietta Square Market has been announced to join the long list of restaurants that have been added all year. Glory Haus, Inc. will be joining the line-up offering gifts, home decor and holiday items.
Their items bring the Glory of the Lord from their Haus to yours. Manufacturer and designer of inspirational and collegiate home décor & gifts. Gifts include canvases, tea towels, pillows, table runners, banners, frames, boards, ceramic tiles, ornaments, mugs, aprons, crosses and much more!
Glory Haus is an inspirational home decor and gift company that sells to retailers all across the country and this is their first retail store. Glory Haus Corporate said:
We have sold at warehouse sales in our office space for a few years now, but this is our first store separate from our warehouse and offices!
Their corporate office is located in Marietta.