Do you know what a Southern Devil is?

Harley-Davidson of Cartersville has changed their name to Southern Devil Harley-Davidson.

Kimberly Hulsey, who owns both the Hellbender Harley-Davidson in Marietta & the Southern Devil Harley-Davidson in Cartersville, said:

We wanted find a regional  & character name for people to connect with, so, we had a contest and a customer came up with Southern Devil. Of course, corporate HD had to approve the name change, but they were looking for more edgy names – so it was a perfect choice. We wanted to develop a brand that would allow us to embrace our customers and show our love for our community.

namechangepostcard Harley davidson cartersville

The Southern Devil — a devil scorpion (Vaejovis Carolinianus) — is common in many areas of Atlanta. They are found from Macon northward throughout all of North Georgia. If you go to the Cartersville dealership, you’ll find twenty-eight scorpions behind glass!

I had to ask: If a Hellbender (which is a giant salamander) and Southern Devil meet, who wins? Kimberly plead the fifth!:

“I refuse on the grounds that I’m a huge fan of both characters!”

And since all Harley-Davidson fans love to collect shirts from different dealerships, we’ve got the Scoop on their tees. Cartersville’s new designs capture some historical landmarks of the OTP city. Kimberly said:

southern devil Harley DavidsonWe wanted to give everyone a look at our very cool new Southern Devil T-Shirt backs. Many of the backs picture historic landmarks in Bartow County such as the Bartow County Courthouse built in 1903, the same year Harley was started, the Euharlee covered bridge and the Cartersville Depot, both of which were built in mid to late 1800’s. Some of the backs also include our mascot the Southern Devil Scorpion.

So, that’s the Harley Dirt. Cartersville has a new name, but has the same great people and service for their existing and new customers.

Check out our article on Hellbender HD or, if you’re in Cartersville, Tellus Museum is a great spot to visit too. Ride your Harley on over to AteTrack in Downtown Cartersville for a bite to eat and a cold brew.

For more Dirt, click here.
